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Tableau実践問題集 #TableauChallenge を作りました。

Highlighting a Difference between Two Lines with Gantt or Area Chart.

Hello, do you enjoy the #makeovermonday? It's still a 3rd week for me, but yes I love it.

This post is about a challenge I faced when I created my submission for week 17: Ecological Footprint.

Here's my re-designed viz. I'd like to give Andy and Rosario for their inspiring viz.

(By the way, I flipped the color of "Carbon" because the Footprint consumption of carbon sounds like not good so I was afraid the meaning of EFc and EFp of carbon should be reversed, but I'm not still sure. Domain knowledge is needed.)

(Jumping to Tableau Public)

So let's take a look of their viz. I'd like to talk about why I was impressed by their viz.

So basically they compare two lines: Biocapacity and Footprints per capita. The simplest way is just to put two line chart, but the most important part of the viz is that, we mainly care of the difference instead of the line charts themselves.

I feel, the line charts are not the main part. The main part is, how the difference changes over time.

Then, if we put only the line charts, the difference is not visualized. It's the issue.

Here's an example. Which do you think is easier to see the change of difference over year?

With the right example, we "calculate" the between the two lines. With the left example, we "see" the difference.

In addition, Andy and Rosario changed the color based on which is above to visualize whether something good or not good is happening or has happened.

In this post, I'd like to how to implement it with Gantt and Area Chart, with my video.

The viz used in the video is here:

Hopefully it could be helpful for you to learn more.

I hope you enjoyed this post. See you soon.

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